A chilling chance encounter between two individuals with macabre intentions takes the audience on a darkly comedic journey in "Meat Cute," a forthcoming film directed by the talented Errol Teichert. The project, produced by Joshua Garretson, promises to deliver a unique blend of horror, romance, and humor that is sure to captivate audiences.
Read the releaseIn the upcoming books, Abrams offers practical advice to aspiring talent, industry insiders, and entrepreneurs.
Read the releaseLabid Aziz’s People of Culture Studios (PoC Studios) is set to release Kim Bass’s comedy A Snowy Day in Oakland nationwide in theaters today, March 17th, 2023.
Read the releaseIn this poignant short film, Claire Dooley makes the case that a ‘having kids is selfish’ message is being aimed at her generation.
Read the releaseFilm producer and first-time director Ben Stier offers insights on how he created the micro-budget indie film ‘Girl Without End’.
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