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Blockchain Transaction Record

Shedding Light on the Interplay Between Mental Health and Addiction

Understanding the connection between addiction and mental health is vital for effective treatment.

Exclusively at — Newsworthy registers every press release distributed through this service on the blockchain so that we can provide verification services and make features such as the self-hosting of press releases available to our customers. The blockchain provides an immutable record of the press releases issued by this service. Immutability gives readers the assurance that the news they are reading has not been altered from the source document that this service distributed. We have shifted the Source of Truth to the blockchain for added protection.

Moving the Source of Truth to the blockchain improves transparency and increases trust between organizations submitting news and readers.

Key Takeaways (TLDR)

  • Addiction and mental health are closely linked, with individuals often using addictive behaviors to cope with emotional distress.
  • Treating addiction effectively requires understanding and addressing underlying mental health struggles.
  • Recognizing the connection between addiction and mental health helps reduce stigma and promote supportive environments.
Transaction ID0xd80a0e3e6a8037c14159c91d8c478e83d82b018fa39cbf306621c4b466c50ad4
Contract Address0xA7086CbdD2FEfc3382B0F37fE3Ee16ddE05934D2
NWAI Digital Fingerprint588-0be41f17a8b30fa203f700163e12bdfa
Registration Timestamp2023-06-30T01:10:35+00:00

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